Welcome to Rise of Kings Online! | Login | Register | Market Averages: : $100.00 | : $4,500,000,000,050.00 | : $9,000,000,000,000.00 | : $3,000,000,000,500.00 | Vikarion Empire has launched a(n) raid battle on Endless Dungeon! The attack was a victory for them. | Empire of Japan sent aid to The Bergamot. Included was 250,000.00 food and a note that read "Food".

Rise of Kings Online

Fight, Build, Trade and More!

Game Rules

Game Rules

Last updated: April 8, 2024

These rules are the primary governing document of game moderation, however, we reserve the right to change them at any time, with or without notice. Additionally, they act as a guideline for moderation, punishments may be harsher or lighter at our descretion. Finally, these rules are including, but not limited to.

Explicitly Prohibited

1. Creating Multiple Accounts

  • Creating mutliple accounts is strictly prohibited
  • Having multiple accounts creates an unfair advantage
  • Your account will be terminated and you will be banned from creating a new one for up to 1 year

2. Bots, Scripts, Etc

  • Use of bots, scripts, or any other digital tool that plays the game for you is prohibted
  • Use of bots and scripts creates an unfair advantage
  • Your account will be terminated and you will be banned from creating a new one for up to 3 months

3. Homophobia, Racism, Sexism, Hate Speech

  • Homophobic, Racist, Sexist, or any other speech considered hateful is not tolerated
  • You will receive one warning, after that, your account will be terminated and you will be banned from creating a new one for up to 3 months
  • We are NOT responsible for moderating or enforcing these rules outside of the game and forum

4. Pornography, Abuse, Etc

  • All content on this site should be considered PG-13
  • Cloudfare technology on this site automatically searches for, and reports, pornographic material
  • You will be asked to remove the images or content in violation of this rule. Failure to do so in 24 hours will result in your account being terminated and you will be banned from creating a new one for up to 3 months

5. Exploitation of Aid

  • Having friends or family join the game for the sole purpose of sending funds to your kingdom is prohibited
  • Additionally, having someone send you all their cash and resources before they quit the game is prohibited
  • You will receive one warning, a repeat offense will result in your account being terminated and you will be banned from creating a new one for up to 3 months

6. Exploitation of Battles

  • Launching or asking for battles only to fill the battle slots of you or another player is prohibited
  • This creates an unfair advantage as players could not be attacked by legitimate attackers
  • This includes but is not limited to:
    • Leaving an alliance to declare on one of your own members, to keep their defensives down
    • Intentionally doing as little damage as possible in battles
    • Soliciting or offering to do one of the above for or with someone else
  • You will receive one warning, a repeat offense will result in your account being terminated and you will be banned from creating a new one for up to 3 months

Filing Reports

1. On the forum (prefered)

  • If you notice suspicious acticity, please report it!
  • The best way to do so is via the forum, opening a thread here or by DMing "The Titan" on the forum

2. Via Discord

  • If you prefer a direct coversation, you can report via discord, DMing the_titan4606

3. Via Email

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