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Rise of Kings Online

Fight, Build, Trade and More!

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Welcome to Pirania. The kingdom that still uses sticks and rocks to fight enemies. Yes, sticks and rocks. Is there a limit to this? Probably. 3 people have sent their feet in my Direct Messages. Will you be the 4th? Just kidding. Or am I? Is there seriously no limit? None? Let's find out. Pirania is led by a psychopath. Not Josh. Who's Josh? There's a farmer named Josh? I don't know him. Am I schizophrenic? No.. I think I need to go to sleep. Probably. Are you still reading? Or does this look like gibberish? Whoever is writing this is probably a very handsome and righteous man.. Oh, yes. That's me. I guess I am a very handsome and righteous man. Thanks. Who am I again? Right. Anyways, don't raid me. I need the money. When will stats be added to this game? I want to see how many men I've killed. Or, something to boost my ego. Gambling is a good idea for this game. Yes, gambling. Where's the casinos? Wow. I just checked, it works! Is there seriously no limit? That would be pretty funny. My kingdom description is longer than the auto description. Where was I? Oh, right. Gambling. I've forgot all my ideas. Huh. I should be a lead developer for this game. I am quite smart. Anyways, why are you still reading this? I am just testing.. Or maybe I'm just writing for no reason. Who knows. When will images be able to be added into descriptions? That would make my life much easier. I just want an image, something stupid, like a Peter Griffin meeting Donald Trump in Fortnite.. Holy crap, I'm in Fortnite! What am I doing with my life? Actually, that question goes to you too. Seriously. Who made this game? Titan? Was it you? Are you reading this? Uh oh. Gambling. Where's the lottery? This game is quite a good game, I must say. Rise of Kings Online Beta.. Beautiful name, too. Huh.. Is there actually no limit? I'll be writing for ages.. Well, when will awards be added? I want an award. An award for.. Hmm... Let me think.. Longest description? No.. Most idiotic? Probably. In the next update this will probably get patched.. Why?! Can't you just let me have my own description? I'd like to sue you, this is not very "Freedom of Speech" of you!! Or, am I thinking too much? Please don't raid me, I'm sorry! Are you still reading? Don't patch this. Woah! Bold text.. How do I turn it off? Hold on... There we- No.. That's not right.. This? Oh. Hold on.. Okay, There we go. Hm. So, what else can I do? Highlight? That sounds fun. Nevermind. I don't know how to work it. These damned kids and their new technology! Get off my lawn! I'm a grumpy old bastard! I eat dinner at 4PM! Huh.. Nobody is on my lawn in the first place. What am I talking about? Am I going insane? Probably. This is what P&W does to a person. Yep, that's it.. I quit P&W and officially will play Rise of Kings Online Beta forever! Yes, that's my official statement. Okay, I might be a sociopath. I'm getting bored.. How about playing a game.. I spy with my- Okay, this is getting stupid. Let's just.. Maybe count numbers? 1, 2, 3, 4.. It's getting boring already. Why am I writing again? Huh.. I checked again, still no limit. Wow. Can the game handle the power of my description? Yes.. Probably. Will I send this to the Discord Support, probably. Maybe. Maybe not. It would be pretty funny if someone just stumbled across this.. Yes.. Would be pretty funny. Very funny, even. Whoever is still reading this is as crazy as I am. I'm looking at you, Ronjoy. Okay, how did I do that bold text again? Uhh.. Uhm.. Hold on.. I'm going to try and figure this out.. There? Yes.. It worked. Are "Bad Words" against the rules? Genuine question, I don't want to get banned.. Answer, someone! Okay, this is getting pretty ridiculous. What am I doing?! If you made it this far, send me exactly 6271 dollars. I will commend you (If that's a feature by then). You know how long it took me to figure out the flag system? 1 hour and 30 minutes. I am a moron. It says to use an image hosting site right there! How did i not figure it out?! I guess I am just stupid. Roberts? Yes, he is the leader of my alliance as of writing this. Why do you ask? Wait, who am I even talking to? Am I talking to myself..? Through text? Noo.. Crazy? I was crazy once.. No, I'm not going to do that copypasta. Can anyone tell me where it originated? Someone? Anyone? Can anyone hear me?! Help! I'm trapped in a kingdom description and I am being forced to type! Hello. My name is Walter Hartwell White.. Not really. Call me Viktor. Oh, damn! I should've took the name, "Viktor" when I had the chance. Uh. When will name change be added? Genuine question. Not that my other questions weren't genuine. Uh.. This is getting awkward. How was your day? Uh. Welcome to Pirania? Am I overdoing it? Is there a mouse in my house? No, and yes. Who here enjoys this game? You should donate. I haven't donated because I am poor. So, donate on my behalf, please. I beg of you. Support this game! It might be P&W's successor.. In like 2 decades. But, seriously, you never know... Except P&W probably won't die.. Probably. Maybe. Alright, I think I'm genuinely going insane. I will come back.. To writing this. Probably. Maybe. Don't raid me, I love you. 

Thank you, The Dingdong of Bells..

Thank you, Eclipse..

Thank you, Italistan..

Battle History | Aid History

The mighty kingdom of Pirania is led by the great leader Vacitiys. It was founded on Saturday, April, 13 and is a 315 years old kingdom. Their economy is growth focused. While their military mostly prioritizes defense. They endeavor to keep their population growth unregulated. The official animal is the Shoebill Stork, while the official religion is Christianity. Pirania mainly uses the currency Piranian Gold. They have been attacked 0 times in the last turn and have launched 0 battles in the last turn. The citizens last saw their leader at 04:06:44 AM on Friday, June, 21 2024. They have a population of 3,600 and a score of 2,277.10. They are part of the Holy Roberts Empire alliance.

Kingdom Information
Kingdom Name: Pirania
Leader Name: Vacitiys
Score: 2,277.10
Last Active: Inactive
Founded: 04/13/2024
Population: 3,600
Economy: Growth
Military: Defense
Population: Balanced
Population Metrics
Disease Rate: 0.00%
Crime Rate: 0.00%
Education Rate: 75.00%
Housing: 35
Farms: 15
Water Wells: 17
Lumber Mills: 21
Iron Mines: 16
Barracks: 23
Docks: 5
Watch Towers: 3
Hospitals: 10
Schools: 27
Alliance: Holy Roberts Empire
Alliance Rank: Member
Defensive slots left: 3
Blockaded: No
Warriors: 0
Calvary: 0
Ships: 7

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