Welcome to Rise of Kings Online! | Login | Register | Market Averages: : $100.00 | : $4,500,000,000,050.00 | : $9,000,000,000,000.00 | : $3,000,000,000,500.00 | Peakville has launched a(n) raid battle on Empire of Japan! The attack was a defeat for them. | Empire of Japan sent aid to The Bergamot. Included was 250,000.00 food and a note that read "Food".

Rise of Kings Online

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In the midst of a long-forgotten mountain range, atop an ancient mountain, nestled somewhere on its lonely peak, there exists a gateway. The doors stand ten feet tall and a foot thick, carved out of stone. Intricately decorated, in the center of each sits a lambda, surrounded by a laurel circlet. Beyond the doors stand sentries, rotated every hour, ever vigilant to their cause of protecting the Lyonian people. For this hidden nation, buried away from the rest of the world, has struggled for an untold number of years to grow. The day those doors open will be the day the Lyonian people shall claim the world as their own.

Battle History | Aid History

The mighty kingdom of Lyonia is led by the great leader Lysander. It was founded on Thursday, March, 21 and is a 357 years old kingdom. Their economy is balanced. While their military mostly is balanced. They endeavor to keep their population growth unregulated. The official animal is the Pigeon, while the official religion is Athiest. Lyonia mainly uses the currency Dollar. They have been attacked 0 times in the last turn and have launched 0 battles in the last turn. The citizens last saw their leader at 03:03:23 AM on Saturday, April, 6 2024. They have a population of 2,200 and a score of 1,324.40.

Kingdom Information
Kingdom Name: Lyonia
Leader Name: Lysander
Score: 1,324.40
Last Active: Inactive
Founded: 03/21/2024
Population: 2,200
Economy: Balanced
Military: Balanced
Population: Balanced
Population Metrics
Disease Rate: 1.11%
Crime Rate: 0.00%
Education Rate: 45.45%
Housing: 21
Farms: 8
Water Wells: 11
Lumber Mills: 5
Iron Mines: 5
Barracks: 8
Docks: 3
Watch Towers: 5
Hospitals: 12
Schools: 10
Alliance: None
Defensive slots left: 3
Blockaded: No
Warriors: 0
Calvary: 0
Ships: 0

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