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Rise of Kings Online

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From within the darkness emerged an Empire of shadows, where the threads of life and death are intertwined, where night never falls since the sun never rises. The Empire of Erebens has always existed, yet no one knew where; even the superior entities dare not wander in its territory nor reveal any information as Erebos, God of the primordial darkness, personally supervises and protects this Kingdom. Every millennium, a God emperor having inherited the powers of the primordial darkness administrates the nation and leads the Shadows of the kingdom. Every Shadow in Erebens was once a living being: humans, fairies, demons, and even gods, who were on the brink of death. They prayed to Erebos and were heard by him; he then granted them partially his transcending powers, the consequences being tied to the Empire for eternity. This millennium, the chosen God Emperor, Xus, along with the consent of Erebos, decided to show Erebens to the living world in order to strengthen its power. 

Omnipotens sunt umbrae. 

Mortiferae et vivae, umbrae sunt ubique sempiterneque.

Ô magnus Erebos, primordium deus tenebrarum, da nobis fortitudinem tuam! Fac Erebens maximam gentem semper et super omnia exsurge!


Battle History | Aid History

The mighty kingdom of Erebens is led by the great leader Xus. It was founded on Thursday, May, 9 and is a 289 years old kingdom. Their economy is balanced. While their military mostly is balanced. They endeavor to keep their population growth unregulated. The official animal is the Pigeon, while the official religion is Cult of the Primordial Darkness. Erebens mainly uses the currency Moonstone. They have been attacked 0 times in the last turn and have launched 0 battles in the last turn. The citizens last saw their leader at 08:38:49 PM on Sunday, September, 1 2024. They have a population of 2,100 and a score of 1,330.50. They are part of the Holy Roberts Empire alliance.

Kingdom Information
Kingdom Name: Erebens
Leader Name: Xus
Score: 1,330.50
Last Active: Inactive
Founded: 05/09/2024
Population: 2,100
Economy: Balanced
Military: Balanced
Population: Balanced
Population Metrics
Disease Rate: 0.00%
Crime Rate: 0.00%
Education Rate: 90.48%
Housing: 20
Farms: 8
Water Wells: 8
Lumber Mills: 8
Iron Mines: 8
Barracks: 15
Docks: 8
Watch Towers: 6
Hospitals: 10
Schools: 19
Alliance: Holy Roberts Empire
Alliance Rank: Applicant
Defensive slots left: 3
Blockaded: No
Warriors: 0
Calvary: 0
Ships: 0

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